Happiness: Use Nature To Raise Your Vibrations

 I am very good at finding things to boost my happiness levels if I’m feeling down. The question that typically lies before me is “do I have the energy to go out of my way to find my happiness today?”

How my days begin..

60% of the time I wake up feeling refreshed, ready to take on the day, and start accomplishing. I wake up happy because I have the sweetest little baby blessing, so how could I not? But as the morning progresses, one thing leads to another, and in a matter of minutes I can be brought down. One thing that switches me from positive to negative is finances. Unfortunately, I can spiral out hard core down a nasty “how are we going to afford anything” hole.

What do I do now?

Dos Vientos, CA

When I’m feeling negative, I either let those emotions get the best of me and spiral out over anything and everything..Or I get myself outside. 

If I decide to get outside I’ll go for a walk, a hike, or head down to the beach to clear my mind. I feel the fresh air, watch the movements of the world around me, and remember that God has given me everything I need to get by each day. I do my best to focus on breathing, trusting, and loving.

Dos Vientos, CA

My current go-to bible verse

One of my favorite Bible verses, and one I need to constantly recite to myself is;

“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life? -Matthew 6:25-28

Boney Mountain

Be in the moment

Once I get outside I try to be in the present moment. I listen closely, watch the wind dance through the trees, sway the grass, and help the birds soar. Pointing out different things I find beautiful or neat to my little guy, even if he may not understand it. I reflect on my thoughts and feelings and notice my issues are changeable. 

Talk It Out

Sometimes I get lucky and James or a friend will join me. Here is the perfect opportunity to talk about what’s bothering me. Furthermore, I’ll try to come up with a solution to get through it. Not only do we talk about my thoughts, but we also talk about theirs. This helps me to separate from myself and acknowledge that I am not the only one with hardship. None of us are alone in life, and my problems are no greater than those around me. 

When we complete our venting and advice portion, we change our direction into goals and intentions for the day and week ahead. This is when I begin to feel clarity, excitement, and honest happiness..I amp myself up for success. 

When I don’t have the energy to get outside

Some days I feel like I have no time to get outside. No time to enjoy the healing properties of nature, and a good conversation. Between work, taking care of Cruz, errands, house duties, and preparing meals.. it seems impossible. When I let these tasks get the best of me, my negativity tends to linger on beneath the surface. Then ultimately, I have a melt down. As I make the time, and force myself out to rejuvenate, I feel so much better. Honestly, I feel like I can take on more..weird how that works. 

Thanks for listening

With that being said, if you’re feeling overwhelmed in parts of your life, take time for yourself. Do something you love and get outside. Whether it’s taking a walk, painting a picture, or having a date with friends, get there and work through those feelings. Find your happiness, everything will be okay!