Sensory Play & Learning With Your Baby

Hey Mamas! I know taking care of a baby is a lot of work in itself, and when it comes time to start playing with your little, things can get a bit repetitive. So I decided to create a post with some fun activities to do with your baby! Not only will sensory play help them learn and explore their senses, but it will also keep you occupied and present during these precious moments. I hope you enjoy. 🙂

Reading books

One of our favorite things to do is read! I’ve been reading books to Cruz since he was like 4 days old so naturally he became obsessed. In the beginning I of course, picked the book I would read to him. But as he got older I began to let him pick. What I do is grab two books, hold them out for Cruz to see, he puts his tiny hands up, then touches the one he wants to read! I believe it’s important to give your baby the power of choice as early as possible. This helps them build decision making skills, confidence, a sense of value, and responsibility. It also never gets old watching your baby pick and be thrilled with their decision!


Cruz gets wicked excited when I set up his toy circle! This is a great sensory play option and a way to get your baby moving around, using tons of different muscles in their body. The toy circle is especially good to get all your babies senses going- seeing their colorful toys, feeling the different textures, and hearing the different sounds the toys make. The toy circle will keep your little one entertained for awhile! You can either play with them or allow them to play on their own with this one.


Take your mini outside for some fresh air! We like to just sit and play in the grass, looking up at the sky, finding pictures in the clouds, and listening to the birds and the bugs. I take Cruz around the yard pointing out different plants and colors. Bringing sensory play in out here- I let him touch anything I know is safe for little hands! The outdoors has so many wonderful natural things for babies to explore..watching their faces light up with new discoveries is precious!

Put your baby in a stroller and go for a walk around your neighborhood! Just let them take in the change of scenery while laying back and relaxing. If you’re feeling up for an adventure take them on a hike, to the beach, or to a park! There are so many fun elements out there for your baby to see, feel, smell, and hear.

House Duties

Babies love to do anything you’re doing. Strap your baby on and get busy! Some of our favorite house duties are laundry, watering our plants, making the bed, and dusting! Cruz would probably stay strapped to me all day if he could..he really enjoys being up close and personal with mom chores.. LOL. We do a lot of dancing like this too! I keep music on in the house the majority of the day so it’s kind of hard not to dance :). Cruz likes to be a part of cooking as well.. Usually I put him in his Bumbo or a bouncy during this time so he can watch. We don’t do the wrap because there’s a lot of knifes, heat, and breakables involved. I let him hold the different fruits or veggies I’m using and describe my steps through the process- he gets a kick out of it!

Hoping this is helpful..

I’m sure you moms have lots of great activities for your babies, but I hope I could at least inspire one new one for you! I’m always looking for new ways to entertain Cruz so if anyone has a fun activity please leave it in the comments. 🙂

Check out my post on all natural dandelion play-dough for another fun activity to do with your baby!

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